

RichCopy 4.0 - Copy option

RichCopy 4.0 - Copy option


RichCopy version 4.0 has improved usability especially copy option dialogs. This overview page has all basic copy configuration settings that should satisfy most of your needs to file copy tool.


Copy method is what RichCopy does during the copy operations. Selecting more options will slower the whole copy process because of more tasks to do.

Method Description
Purge Files in destination will be removed if it does not exist in source directory. This option is often selected when source and destination directories need to be identical. (Remove files in destination when it is removed in source)

Move files from source to destination. Actual operation is to delete files in source after successfully copying files from source to destination.

Consolidate multiple sources RichCopy version 4.0 supports specifying multiple source directories. Default behavior is to create directories with same name as source, and make a copy. When this option is selected, RichCopy copy all sources files and directories into specified destination directory without creating directories with same name as source.
For example without selecting "Consolidate multiple sources option"


\\<source server>\<source share>\<directory A>[\<files A>]
\\<source server>\<source share>\<directory B>[\<files B>]
\\<source server>\<source share>\<directory C>[\<files C>]
\\<destination server>\<destination share>

Those three directories are copied like following.
\\<destination server>\<destination share>\<directory A>\[<files A>]
\\<destination server>\<destination share>\<directory B>\[<files B>]
\\<destination server>\<destination share>\<directory C>\[<files C>]

With this option, destination will be like

\\<destination server>\<destination share>\[<files A>]
\\<destination server>\<destination share>\[<files B>]
\\<destination server>\<destination share>\[<files C>
All copied files will be compare with source files after all copy operation successfully completes.


Mode decide the behavior of copy operation
Mode Description
Trickle This feature is currently not available.
Preprocess All files and directories in source will be searched and check, including file attributes, date and size. When this option is selected, RichCopy will prompt percentage of copied files.
Wait target When this option is selected, RichCopy holds copy process until specified source directories become available when it does not exist.
Timer Specified the date and time when copy process should start. When this option is selected, copy process will not start immediately, but when it becomes specified date and time.


Thread Description
Directory search Specify the number of thread to be used for directory search. Increasing number of thread for directory search is effective when directory structure is rather complex, but it does not contribute to the performance so much when directory structure is simple.
Directory copy Specify the number of thread to be used to copy files. Thread number actually identical to the number of copy process executed simultaneously.
When 10 is specified, and then 10 files are copied simultaneously.
File copy Specified the number of thread to be used to copy a file. This is effective to copy small number of huge file copy. It is not recommended to use more than 1 thread for a file copy as it could consume large size of system resource. (Multiple number of directory copy thread by number of file copy thread. )

General conditions

Option Description
Ignore READ_ONLY flag This option force to copy files to destination when file already exist with READ-ONLY flag. If this option is not selected, copy will fail otherwise.

Directory creation only
Specified this option to copy directories only, no files.

Create directory only when it has child
When this option is selected, directory will not be created if it has not child files or directories
Turn off system buffer Specify not to use system cache for file read and write. If you want to system to directly transfer data to storage system, you may turn of system cache by selecting this option.
When this option is selected, the file is being opened with no system caching. This does not affect hard disk caching or memory mapped files. This option may gives maximum asynchronous performance, because the data the I/O does not rely on the synchronous operations of the memory manager. However, some I/O operations take more time, because data is not being held in the cache. RichCopy also does following additional tasks when this option is selected.
  • Align file access byte offset to integer multiples of the volume sector size.
  • Align buffer addresses for read and write operation with sector size.
  • Set file size afterwards
Serialize disk access Some storage devices are not good at performing simultaneous disk access, such ATA based disk drives especially over the USB. When this option is selected, RichCopy serialize all disk access to the storage, and minimize the overhead at storage device end. This does not mean that RichCopy limits the number of thread running simultaneously.

Compare options

Option Description
Copy always This option force to copy files to destination when file already exist with READ-ONLY flag. If this option is not selected, copy will fail otherwise.

Security setting
Compare the security setting of a file in source and destination.
Availability Check if a file exist in destination.

File size
Compare size of a file in source and destination.
Attribute Compare attributes of a file in source and destination.

Time stamp

Compare time stamp of a file in source and destination

Thread and priority control

Settings in this page directly impacts to the performance and resource utilization such as CPU, storage, memory and network. It is possible to make a machine not accept other tasks because of huge resource consumption by this tool. Thus all settings have to be carefully reviewed and set with enough knowledge and understanding.
Following picture shows that there are three major parts. Directory Search engine explorer specified source directory, and push information of identified files and directories to Search Cache, then Folder Copy engine pull the file and directory information, and copy them.

Each engine is actually a group of multiple threads that does actual operation. As you can guess from below picture, it is problematic using multiple thread for file copy. (file copy thread x folder copy thread = could consume huge system resource)

Directory copy

Thread count used to copy directories
Parameter Description
Thread count Specify the number of thread to be used to copy files. This setting actually means the number of files to be copied simultaneously.

File copy

Thread count used to copy files (Thread count, cache size)
Parameter Description
Thread count Specify the number of thread to be used for each copy task. A file is divided by the specified number, and RichCopy kicks those threads and distribute the copy task. This is effective to copy huge small number of files; however it is problematic to use other 1 thread when you use multiple threads for "Directory copy" as actual resource consumption is <directory copy thread> x <file copy thread> x <cache size>. It easily gets huge resource.
Cache size This is the cache size used for file copy. Each file copy transaction will occur per this cache size. The other word, this is the data size read and written by RichCopy. For example, RichCopy read and write 10 times to copy 64K bytes when 7K bytes is set as cache size


Search (Thread count, cache size)
Parameter Description
Thread count Specify how many threads should be used to search files and directories. RichCopy uses only one thread per directory, thus using many threads will not be so helpful when directory structure is rather simple, flat, but it has to be enough to feed file and directory information to directory copy tasks.
Cache size Number of file information to be stored. If 10 is specified, information of 10 files and/or directories can be stored. It is suggested to specified double size of directory copy thread count. Search cache is traditional FIFO ring cache.


Priority of whole process can be customized, but it directly impacts to other active process when highest priority is selected.
Parameter Description
Priority Critical means to try using all system resource. Idle means to run copy tasks without impacting other process.

Attribute control and error handling

RichCopy supports selecting information to be copied and to be set. For example, if you want to copy files with file attribute, but time stamp, you can do this by simply selecting "File attributes" and de-selecting "File stamp" option in "Information to be copied" group. Also it is supported to add and/or remove any file attributes you want.
RichCopy also supports rich error handling support which is quite helpful when you copy files over slow and/or unstable network. RichCopy is capable to restart from where copy fails. User can configure retry interval and error code to be handled.

Information to be copied

File has multiple information in addition to its size and contents. Following options are to specify what information should be copied from source to destination.
Information Description
Attributes Same file attributes as source file will be set to copied file in destination directories.
Time stamp Same time stamp as source file will be set to copied file in destination directories.

Set to specified
time stamp

Set specified time stamp to copied files in destination directories.
Security Information
Same security setting will be applied to copied files. This is valid only when the security descriptor is based on same domain or workgroup. This option is not valid between servers whose forest/domain or workgroup has not under trust relationship.

Attributes to set / remove

Any attributes can be set to copied files or remove. Following table shows what attributes can be set to copied files or remove.
Attributes Description
Read only A file or directory that is read-only.
For a file, applications can read the file, but cannot write to it or delete it.
For a directory, applications cannot delete it.
Hidden The file or directory is hidden. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing.
Not content indexed The file is not to be indexed by content indexing service.
Encrypted A file or directory that is encrypted.
For a file, all data streams in the file are encrypted.
For a directory, encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
Offline The data of a file is not available immediately.
This attribute indicates that the file data is physically moved to offline storage. This attribute is used by Remote Storage, which is the hierarchical storage management software. Applications should not arbitrarily change this attribute.
System file A file or directory that the operating system uses a part of, or uses exclusively.
Archive A file or directory that is an archive file or directory.
Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.
Compressed A file or directory that is compressed.
For a file, all of the data in the file is compressed.
For a directory, compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
Temporary A file that is being used for temporary storage.
File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because typically, an application deletes a temporary file after the handle is closed. In that scenario, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.

Error handling

Original version of RichCopy was developed to survive slow and unstable network. It was quite often to face time out error during the file copy, which was hard to recover from at that time. Error handling is the core and legacy RichCopy feature. This feature is to automatically resume file copy process where it fails last time, not to start over.
Method Description
Number of retries to cancel copy process Number of errors to retry. For example, RichCopy will stop copy process
when error occurs three times if three is set.
Period until next try Interval to retry. RichCopy will wait specified interval until retry the task.
Errors to immediately
cancel copy process
Checked errors are recognized critical and unrecoverable. When selected error occurs, entire RichCopy process will be canceled.
File Copy Options - Include

Just like earlier versions, RichCopy version 4.0 supports file and directories filtering with various parameters, and those conditions can be set to different types, files and directories. File attributes RichCopy supports for filtering are name, attributes, creation date, last write date and last access date. File size is not supported in this version. This dialog is to set filters to include files and directories. All files and directories satisfy the condition set in this dialog will be copied.

Use name to filter

Check this option to filter files with specified filter string. Files and directories will not be filtered with file name when this option is not selected even if actual filters are specified

Name(s) Specify filters to exclude files. Each filter string can be delimited with colon <:>, semicolon <;>, comma <,> and back slash </>. Also, standard wildcard syntax is valid in this option. Here is valid filter strings as an example.
  • readme.*
  • readme.tx?
  • ????copy.exe
  • readme.txt; readme.doc; richcopy.*

Use attributes to filter

Check this option to filter files with specified file attributes. Files will not be filtered with selected file attributes when this option is not selected even if actual filter attributes are specified
Target attributes to exclude Description
Read only A file or directory that is read-only.
For a file, applications can read the file, but cannot write to it or delete it.
For a directory, applications cannot delete it.
Hidden The file or directory is hidden. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing.
Not content indexed The file is not to be indexed by content indexing service.
Encrypted A file or directory that is encrypted.
For a file, all data streams in the file are encrypted.
For a directory, encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
Offline The data of a file is not available immediately.
This attribute indicates that the file data is physically moved to offline storage. This attribute is used by Remote Storage, which is the hierarchical storage management software. Applications should not arbitrarily change this attribute.
System file A file or directory that the operating system uses a part of, or uses exclusively.
Archive A file or directory that is an archive file or directory.
Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.
Compressed A file or directory that is compressed.
For a file, all of the data in the file is compressed.
For a directory, compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
Temporary A file that is being used for temporary storage.
File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because typically, an application deletes a temporary file after the handle is closed. In that scenario, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.

File date to exclude

Date type Description
Creation date The date the specifies when a file or directory is created. If the underlying file system does not support creation time, this option is invalid.
Last write date For a file, the date specified the last time that a file is written to. For a directory, the date specifies when the directory is created. If the underlying file system does not support the last access time, this option is invalid.
Last access date For a file, the date specifies the last time that a file is read from or written to. For a directory, the date specifies when the directory is created. If the underlying file system does not support the last access time, this options is invalid.

File Copy Options - Exclude

Just like earlier versions, RichCopy version 4.0 supports file and directories filtering with various parameters, and those conditions can be set to different types, files and directories. File attributes RichCopy supports for filtering are name, attributes, creation date, last write date and last access date. File size is not supported in this version. This dialog is to set filters to exclude files and directories. All files and directories satisfy the condition set in this dialog will not be copied.

Use name to filter

Check this option to filter files with specified filter string. Files and directories will not be filtered with file name when this option is not selected even if actual filters are specified

Name(s) Specify filters to exclude files. Each filter string can be delimited with colon <:>, semicolon <;>, comma <,> and back slash </>. Also, standard wildcard syntax is valid in this option. Here is valid filter strings as an example.
  • readme.*
  • readme.tx?
  • ????copy.exe
  • readme.txt; readme.doc; richcopy.*

Use attributes to filter

Check this option to filter files with specified file attributes. Files will not be filtered with selected file attributes when this option is not selected even if actual filter attributes are specified
Target attributes to exclude Description
Read only A file or directory that is read-only.
For a file, applications can read the file, but cannot write to it or delete it.
For a directory, applications cannot delete it.
Hidden The file or directory is hidden. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing.
Not content indexed The file is not to be indexed by content indexing service.
Encrypted A file or directory that is encrypted.
For a file, all data streams in the file are encrypted.
For a directory, encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
Offline The data of a file is not available immediately.
This attribute indicates that the file data is physically moved to offline storage. This attribute is used by Remote Storage, which is the hierarchical storage management software. Applications should not arbitrarily change this attribute.
System file A file or directory that the operating system uses a part of, or uses exclusively.
Archive A file or directory that is an archive file or directory.
Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.
Compressed A file or directory that is compressed.
For a file, all of the data in the file is compressed.
For a directory, compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
Temporary A file that is being used for temporary storage.
File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because typically, an application deletes a temporary file after the handle is closed. In that scenario, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.

File date to exclude

Date type Description
Creation date The date the specifies when a file or directory is created. If the underlying file system does not support creation time, this option is invalid.
Last write date For a file, the date specified the last time that a file is written to. For a directory, the date specifies when the directory is created. If the underlying file system does not support the last access time, this option is invalid.
Last access date For a file, the date specifies the last time that a file is read from or written to. For a directory, the date specifies when the directory is created. If the underlying file system does not support the last access time, this options is invalid.


Command to execute

Executable file can be specified to start before starting copy process and after completing all. In this release, following three parameters are supported. For example, "prep.cmd %DST" will be "pre.cmd <destination path>" when it is executed
  • %SRC - This will be replaced with source path
  • %DST - This will be replaced with destination path
  • %DATE - This will be replaced with current date this command is executed
  • %TIME - This will be replaced with current time this command is executed
  • %SIZE - This will be replaced with copied file size. File size is always zero for "before starting copy process" and not preprocessed mode.
Command Description
Before starting copy process Any executable can be specified. If exit code of executed command is none-zero, RichCopy will not process rest of tasks. The other word, command can control whether to start copy process or not by returning zero or non-zero.
After completing copy process Any executable can be specified.


Information Description
Account Account when used to access FTP server
Password Password when user to access FTP server


Information Description

Command line parameters

This is a sort of helper to build command option parameters. Parameters displayed in this edit control realize same configuration as current copy option setting.

>RichCopy.exe <source path> <destination> <flags>
<n> numbers
<s> string
<t> date/time
RichCopy has a feature to help you generating necessary command parameters.
  1. Switch Basic to Advanced mode from View menu
  2. Change copy setting in property dialog
  3. Change tab to "Other'
You will find command parameters equivalent to what you have confiured.
Command Description
Conditions to decide if a copy should be copied
/CSSD Compare the security setting of a file in source and destination.
/CDSD Compare the security setting of a file in source and destination.
/FSS Compare size of a file in source and destination.
/FSD Compare size of a file in source and destination.
/FAS Compare size of a file in source and destination.
/FAD Compare attributes of a file in source and destination.
/TSS Compare time stamp of a file in source and destination. Copy if it is same. This option is used with one of /CCD, /CLA, /CLW flag.
/TSD Compare time stamp of a file in source and destination. Copy if it is different. This option is used with one of /CCD, /CLA, /CLW flag.
/TSU Compare time stamp of a file in source and destination. Copy if it is earlier than source. This option is used with one of /CCD, /CLA, /CLW flag.
/CCD Check create date. This flag is valid when one of /TSS, /TSD or /TSU flag is specified.
/CLA Check last access date. This flag is valid when one of /TSS, /TSD or /TSU flag is specified.
/CLW Check last wrote date. This flag is valid when one of /TSS, /TSD or /TSU flag is specified.
/NE Copy if it does not exist in destination.
/II Copy if it exist in destination.
/O This option force to copy files to destination when file already exist with READ-ONLY flag. If this option is not selected, copy will fail otherwise.
/ALWS This option force to copy files to destination when file already exist with READ-ONLY flag. If this option is not selected, copy will fail otherwise.
/NONE Do not copy files, but create only directories.
/CNF Turn off popup system error dialog.
Information to be copied.
/CT Set same date/time to destination file as source.
/CA Set same attributes to destination file as source.
/CSA Copy security settings from source to destination. This flag has to be used with one or some of /CSD, /CSG, /CSO and /CSS.
/CSD Copy discretional access control information from source file to destination. This is valid only when /CSA flag is set.
/CSG Copy security group information from source file to destination. This is valid only when /CSA flag is set.
/CSO Copy owner information from source file to destination. This is valid only when /CSA flag is set.
/CSS Copy security access control from source file to destination. This is valid only when /CSA flag is set.
/L Indicate specified date/time will be set to copied files.
/SD <d> Specify the date/time to be applied.
Copy mode
/N (This is currently not available) Keep monitoring source directory, and copy if any change is captured.
/PRP Parse all source directories before starting actual copy process. This makes enable to collect total file counts and size, and know the remained files size to be copied.
/T Set time to kick copy process. When this flag is set, copy process will not start until reaching to specified date/time. This flag is used with /TM flag.
/W RichCopy will wait until specified source directory become available.
/NC Specify not to use system cache for file read and write. If you want to system to directly transfer data to storage system, you may turn of system cache by selecting this option.
When this option is selected, the file is being opened with no system caching. This does not affect hard disk caching or memory mapped files. This option may gives maximum asynchronous performance, because the data the I/O does not rely on the synchronous operations of the memory manager. However, some I/O operations take more time, because data is not being held in the cache. RichCopy also does following additional tasks when this option is selected.
  • Align file access byte offset to integer multiples of the volume sector size.
  • Align buffer addresses for read and write operation with sector size.
  • Set file size afterwards
/SZ Some storage devices are not good at performing simultaneous disk access, such ATA based disk drives especially over the USB. When this option is selected, RichCopy serialize all disk access to the storage, and minimize the overhead at storage device end. This does not mean that RichCopy limits the number of thread running simultaneously.
/TM <t> Specify date/time to start copy process. This flag is valid only when /T flag is specified.
Copy mode
/P Files in destination will be removed if it does not exist in source directory. This option is often selected when source and destination directories need to be identical. (Remove files in destination when it is removed in source)
/M Move files from source to destination. Actual operation is to delete files in source after successfully copying files from source to destination.
/C RichCopy version 4.0 supports specifying multiple source directories. Default behavior is to create directories with same name as source, and make a copy. When this option is selected, RichCopy copy all sources files and directories into specified destination directory without creating directories with same name as source. See also.
/V All copied files will be compare with source files after all copy operation successfully completes.
Set or remove file attributes
/+R Set a file or directory that is read-only.
For a file, applications can read the file, but cannot write to it or delete it.
For a directory, applications cannot delete it.
/+H Set a file or directory is hidden. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing.
/+S Set a file or directory that the operating system uses a part of, or uses exclusively.
/+A Set a file or directory that is an archive file or directory.
Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.
/+C Set a file or directory that is compressed.
For a file, all of the data in the file is compressed.
For a directory, compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
/+I Set a file is not to be indexed by content indexing service.
/+T Set a file that is being used for temporary storage.
File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because typically, an application deletes a temporary file after the handle is closed. In that scenario, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.
/+O Set the data of a file is not available immediately.
This attribute indicates that the file data is physically moved to offline storage. This attribute is used by Remote Storage, which is the hierarchical storage management software. Applications should not arbitrarily change this attribute.
/-R Remove read-only flag. See /+R flag for more detail.
/-H Remove hidden flag. See /+H flag for more detail.
/-S Remove system flag. See /+S flag for more detail.
/-A Remove archive flag. See /+A flag for more detail.
/-C Remove compressed flag. See /+C flag for more detail.
/-I Remove none-index flag. See /+I flag for more detail.
/-T Remove temporary flag. See /+T flag for more detail.
/-O Remove offline flag. See /+O flag for more detail.
File and directory filtering
/IFR Copy files if read-only flag is set.
/IFH Copy files if hidden flag is set.
/IFS Copy files if system flag is set.
/IFA Copy files if archive flag is set.
/IFC Copy files if compress flag is set.
/IFI Copy files if none-index flag is set.
/IFE Copy files if encrypted
/IFT Copy files if temporary flag is set.
/IFO Copy files if offline flag is set.
/IDR Copy directories if read-only flag is set.
/IDH Copy directories if hidden flag is set.
/IDS Copy directories if system flag is set.
/IDA Copy directories if archive flag is set.
/IDC Copy directories if compress flag is set.
/IDI Copy directories if none-index flag is set.
/IDE Copy directories if encrypted
/IDT Copy directories if temporary flag is set.
/IDO Copy directories if offline flag is set.
/EFR Don't copy files if read-only flag is set.
/EFH Don't copy files if hidden flag is set.
/EFS Don't copy files if system flag is set.
/EFA Don't copy files if archive flag is set.
/EFC Don't copy files if compress flag is set.
/EFI Don't copy files if none-index flag is set.
/EFE Don't copy files if encrypted
/EFT Don't copy files if temporary flag is set.
/EFO Don't copy files if offline flag is set.
/EDR Don't copy directories if read-only flag is set.
/EDH Don't copy directories if hidden flag is set.
/EDS Don't copy directories if system flag is set.
/EDA Don't copy directories if archive flag is set.
/EDC Don't copy directories if compress flag is set.
/EDI Don't copy directories if none-index flag is set.
/EDE Don't copy directories if encrypted
/EDT Don't copy directories if temporary flag is set.
/EDO Don't copy directories if offline flag is set.
/FIF Filter string for files to be copied. Filter string should be surrounded by double quote character if it includes space.
/FID Filter string for directories to be copied. Filter string should be surrounded by double quote character if it includes space.
/FEF Filter string for files to be excluded. Filter string should be surrounded by double quote character if it includes space.
/EDO Filter string for directories to be excluded. Filter string should be surrounded by double quote character if it includes space.
Directory search configuration
/TS <n> Specify the number of thread to be used for directory search. Increasing number of thread for directory search is effective when directory structure is rather complex, but it does not contribute to the performance so much when directory structure is simple.
/SC <n> Number of file information to be stored. If 10 is specified, information of 10 files and/or directories can be stored. It is suggested to specified double size of directory copy thread count. Search cache is traditional FIFO ring cache.
Thread configuration
/TD <n> Specify the number of thread to be used to copy files. Thread number actually identical to the number of copy process executed simultaneously. When 10 is specified, and then 10 files are copied simultaneously.
/TP <n> Specified the number of thread to be used to copy a file. This is effective to copy small number of huge file copy. It is not recommended to use more than 1 thread for a file copy as it could consume large size of system resource. (Multiple number of directory copy thread by number of file copy thread. )
/FC <n> This is the cache size used for file copy. Each file copy transaction will occur per this cache size. The other word, this is the data size read and written by RichCopy. For example, RichCopy read and write 10 times to copy 64K bytes when 7K bytes is set as cache size
Process Priority
/PP <#> Set process priority of RichCopy. (0 = idle, 5 = critical). Critical means to try using all system resource. Idle means to run copy tasks without impacting other process.
Retry configuration
/R <n> Number of errors to retry. For example, RichCopy will stop copy process when error occurs three times if three is set.
/RI <n> Interval to retry. RichCopy will wait specified interval until retry the task.
/XG <s> Any executable can be specified. If exit code of executed command is none-zero, RichCopy will not process rest of tasks. The other word, command can control whether to start copy process or not by returning zero or non-zero.
/XA <s> Any executable can be specified.
/EA <s> Account to be used when access to FTP server
/EP <s> Password to be used when access to FTP server
Copy option profile
/PF <s> Specify copy option profile.
/QA Information will be added to the specified file if it exist, otherwise new file will be created.
/QO The specified file will be deleted file if it exist before writing out information.
/QN No logging
/QP <s> Specify the file to be write log information out.
/UE Write out error information
/US Write out source path
/UD Write out destination path
/UC List all copied file.
/UPF List purged file list
/UPC Write out purged file count
/UPS Write out purged file size
/UFC Write out copied file count
/UCS Write out copied file size
/USC Write out file count in source path
/USS Write out total file size in source path
/USD Write out total directory count in source path
/UPR Write out average of copy performance
/UET Write elapsed time

Fuente: RichCopy 4.0 Help.

Jorge D.

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